Message From Principal

Greetings from the Principal

I am extremely delighted to welcome you to the web portal of our State's very first Government Law College. We began our journey from 19th of August 2019 with 120 young law enthusiasts whose sheer determination and hard work had got themselves enrolled in JarbomGamlin Govt. Law College, Jote to help us start our very first batch.

We aim to establish a strong legal foundation in the state of Arunachal Pradesh by nurturing a new generation of well-acquainted legal professionals who will in future make great lawyers, academicians, jurists and great leaders with humane value. As legal education is not just about theories and acts but also about developing abstract thinking and practical problem solving, we therefore aspire to provide value based standard legal education.

When a plant is planted in the soil it needs constant care for it to blossom into a beautiful tree one day and same is with a newly established institution. Together with our students and esteemed faculty members who have joined their home state with their varied experiences in the legal field to take part in the cumulative growth of the very first law institution of the land of Dawnlit Mountains.

The Motto of our Institute is ‘JUSTITIA LEGIS PROPOSITUM EST’ which means ‘The Goal of Law is Justice’. We are committed to impart legal education in realizing the spirit of our motto and for the purpose of law.

I am eager to march with you in this journey towards achieving excellence!

Dr. Gijo George
Government Law College, Jote,
Arunachal Pradesh.